Saturday, December 21, 2013


I thought I had it within my reach; I thought I was the one. I wasn't. The harmless email came at 10:46 A.M. I wasn't aware it was sitting innocently in my inbox, not knowing it would ruin my day...and my eyeshadow. It was a punch to my of many more to come. My confident demeanor shattered and frustration bubbled to the surface.

Was I not good enough? I asked myself. Why can't things go my way once and for all?

It was then, during my inward chaos and temper tantrum, that I was able to see things for what they really were. I am good enough; in fact, I'm too good. They don't deserve me, because I deserve better. I know who I am, I know what I'm capable of, and I'm well-aware of my weaknesses. Letting me go is their lost, not mine. If anything, I have gained a lot from rejection. I gained strength, determination, and experience. Success isn't always about winning. Success is staying in the game even though you know you've lost.

Don't get me wrong, it hurts, but life doesn't stop for anybody. It keeps going, and so should we. More opportunities will come my way, and I'll finally be able to seize them...all on my own.

Success is NOT about being a valedictorian (though that's always nice), or about having the highest SAT score or attending the most prestigious college in the country. Success is within us. It is the wood burning in the fireplace. It is the encouragement we need to fight for our goals. It is falling and picking ourselves off the ground, more determined than ever before and with our heads held high. Success is surrounding ourselves with positive energy. Success is confidence. Success is motivation. Success is putting a limit on our self-pity. Success is knowing that you can do it even when society tells you that you can't.

Success is me.

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