Wednesday, March 5, 2014

An Ode to Reading

"No entertainment is so cheap as reading, nor any pleasure so lasting." - Lady M. W. Montagu

Reading is one of the many pleasures in life that's free of charge. There is nothing better than to hunker down with a hot cup of coffee and a really great book--and I truly mean nothing. If you think you have no friends, think again. Book are your friends. A book is a friend for whose loyalty you will never have to beg--they are the best of things. Eleanor Roosevelt once said that great minds discuss idea. Well, she failed to mention that great minds also read books, and only then can they discuss great ideas. Think about it. How else can you discuss an idea unless you've read about it?

Empires have perished, races have died out, and conflict is perpetual. But books have remained a constant variable in a world where nothing is guaranteed; where the movement of plates underneath the surface of our lives threaten to shift our location in the universe.

The habit of reading lasts when all other pleasures fade. It will be present to you when your body is withering and you can no longer support yourself. It will nourish your soul even when other viands fail to nourish your body. It is an orgasmic whirl of zeal. Unparalleled, momentous, incomparable. Should I go on?

There are not sufficient words in the English language to honor the service books have done for us. Not even the nuance of the Mona Lisa can rival the beauty of reading. I'm sorry, Leonardo da Vinci.

To enter into the world of reading is to enter a world full of melodrama, fantasy, and grandiose revelations. Reading doesn't only take you on unexpected journeys; it can also stimulate you,  inspire you, nurture you, and caress you. You haven't really lived until you've read a book that you're obsessively, madly, hysterically in love with. If that's the case, then I've lived one hundred and one lives.

Reading can invigorate you, like the Fountain of Youth. It resembles a meeting with an old flame, sans the heartbreak. It is the ambrosia of the mind; the purification of the soul; the key to the expansion of the intellect; a best friend. My only friend.

I reiterate, very few pleasures in life can compete with the pleasure of reading. 

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