Friday, December 27, 2013

First Time

Desperation led me to create this blog. It began with the necessity to come up with a final project for my senior year (I could not wriggle out of it; it was either do or don't graduate). I toyed with the idea of interning for a newspaper agency, but I thought better about it. No. I wanted to have my own column, or as close to a column as I could get, because it would permit me to do a little fun, informal writing. It will be fun, I reassured myself, you'll see. According to research (or writers, in this case), the only way one can improve one's writing is by writing. Though reading is a powerful tool, and a timeless one at that, one cannot master the craft of writing unless one writes daily. We should set writing goals for ourselves. For example, I have decided to write at least 300 words each night and increase this word count as time progresses. I must say that it is a pretty solid short-term goal, huh? Time will tell.

Introducing oneself is, perhaps, a challenge given that most people refrain from revealing too much information about themselves. First and foremost, I must come forward and disclose a secret which has been haunting me: I'm not human...

Just kidding!

My name is Gema Guevara and I'm a senior at the Sound School (too much information?). I read and write for fun. Actually, I write better than I can speak, so there's that. Some people are gifted public speakers, I'm not. Yes, similar to writing, the art of public speaking can be mastered--it is an arduous process, one which can be surmounted, of course. I have two cats whom I adore immensely. In college I plan to major in English with a writing emphasis. My favorite subject is English. Oh! I have an innate passion for music. I often picture myself as the lead singer of a glorious rock band, signing autographs and wallowing in success. Oh, imagination will take you everywhere. 

I think this is it for now. I will update this blog periodically; and it will be a challenge given the fact that I don't always finish what I start. 

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